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  1. Benefits of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment


    According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, drug overdose is the number one cause of death for those under the age of 45 in the United States. Substance abuse and addiction are serious issues affecting the lives of millions of people.

    If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, it might be time to consider a residential treatment program. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of residential substance abuse treatment as well as details about how inpatient rehab works.


    What Is Residential Treatment for Substance Abuse?


    Residential treatment is one of several addiction treatment options, and it has various pros and cons. Nonetheless, residential treatment can have unique benefits for those struggling with substance abuse.

    It can help put people’s minds at ease to know how inpatient rehab works before going. Here are a few common elements of residential treatment programs to help you know what to expect.


    The first step in any residential program will be a detox period to get any drugs out of the patient’s system. The program will also provide medical services and medication to ease the withdrawal symptoms.


    Therapy is an essential part of any treatment program. This will likely include individual and group therapy during the length of the patient’s stay.

    Individual Therapy

    In individual therapy, patients typically focus on their individual sobriety goals. They also discuss the underlying issues that may have caused them to become addicted to drugs or other substances. Patients also work with their therapist to identify their addiction triggers.

    Individual therapy may include a variety of therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy or dialectical behavioral therapy. Each therapist will work with their patients to determine the treatment modality that best fits their needs.

    Group and Family Therapy

    Group therapy can function like a support group or twelve-step program. Patients might attend multiple group sessions in a day. During these sessions, they can share their struggles with other people who understand what they are going through.

    Some residential treatment programs may also include family therapy. This involves outside family members coming in to speak with the patient and their therapist. This can be a time for the patient to address issues they may have with family members with guidance from their therapist.

    Education and Other Activities

    There are also a number of other activities available at most treatment centers. These might include art or fitness classes, or even working in a garden. This way, patients can learn new coping skills in the form of hobbies or exercise.

    Some treatment centers also offer educational courses. These courses cover topics such as nutrition, mental health, addiction recovery, and more. The intended result is that patients will be better prepared to take on life after leaving residential treatment.


    What Are the Benefits of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment?


    Although residential programs are only one option for those battling drug addiction, there are several reasons why they can be helpful. Here are just a few of the unique benefits of inpatient rehab in San Diego.

    No Outside Distractions

    One of the main reasons people may opt for a residential treatment program is that it allows patients to focus on themselves. Outside pressures such as tense family relationships, problems at work, having to make rent, etc. can make it hard to focus on sobriety.

    By removing these distractions, patients are able to concentrate on working on the issues that contributed to their addiction. They also learn to make good decisions that prioritize their mental health while in a safe and supportive environment.

    Support and Camaraderie

    Additionally, patients are sometimes more successful when they have the support of others. Being around people who are going through the same thing can help them feel more understood and less alone.

    Studies have shown that peer support does indeed aid in recovery from substance abuse. The opportunity to receive support from people who truly understand the difficulty of what their peers are going through can aid in the recovery process.

    Separation From Problematic Situations

    One of the difficult things about trying to recover through an outpatient program is that the patient will likely still have access to the people they used drugs with or who have enabled their addiction.

    In addition, patients will have no access to alcohol or drugs during their stay at the treatment center. This way, they can focus on doing the necessary inner work while they develop the strength to say no to their addiction.

    Residential programs allow patients to focus on improving their mental health first. Then, they can better face the people and situations in which they would normally use drugs. This helps them be better prepared to make wise choices when they leave the treatment program.

    Safe Detox

    Another incredibly important advantage of inpatient treatment is that it provides patients with a safe environment for detox. It can be incredibly dangerous for those with substance abuse problems to try to detox on their own.

    At inpatient facilities, patients can receive medical care and supervision while they detox. There is also a much greater likelihood of relapse if people attempt to detox on their own at home.

    The withdrawal symptoms of each substance are different, and can even lead to serious medical issues such as seizures. Thus, it is better to be in an environment where medical professionals can track patient progress and intervene as needed.

    Sense of Structure

    Most inpatient programs are heavily structured, and patients are given a schedule that stays consistent from day to day. This consistency creates a sense of normalcy for patients as they work through their addictions.

    Furthermore, the structure of these programs allows patients who are recovering from addictions to practice creating healthy habits and stability. The hope is that they can maintain this sense of structure after leaving the program. This kind of consistency and routine are key to recovery.

    Success Rate

    Due to many of the factors listed here, studies have shown that patients who take part in an inpatient treatment program are much less likely to relapse than those who participated in outpatient programs.

    It is true that inpatient programs can be more costly than outpatient programs. However, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks for those who can afford them. These programs simply do a better job of setting patients up for success after treatment.


    When Is Residential Treatment Necessary?


    This is a common question for those struggling with substance abuse and their loved ones. When is the problem serious enough to warrant an inpatient program? If the person is exhibiting some of the following signs, it may be time to consider a residential treatment program.

    Frequent or Constant Urges to Use Drugs

    If the individual is feeling tempted to use drugs at most or all times of the day and night, they could likely benefit from the 24-hour care offered by inpatient treatment centers.

    This way, they can be cared for around the clock, and they will not have the opportunity to relapse while they are staying at the facility. This not only helps their addiction recovery but can keep them safe from an accidental overdose.

    Low or Fluctuating Motivation

    If an individual is struggling to stay motivated to get sober and maintain that sobriety, they might not show up consistently to therapy appointments, support groups, or other outpatient treatment activities.

    Therefore, it can be better for these individuals to take part in an inpatient program instead. This way, they are guaranteed to be present for the various activities. This ensures they receive the care and intervention they need.

    Concurrent Mental Illness

    It is common for those who suffer from substance abuse disorders to also have mental illnesses. These could include depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or something else. A shocking 29% of those who are diagnosed as mentally ill abuse drugs or alcohol.

    If the individual needing treatment is dealing with a diagnosed mental illness, they would likely benefit from inpatient treatment. This gives them the opportunity to receive medication adjustments and therapy that might help reduce the effects of their mental illness. This in turn makes it more likely that they will overcome their addiction.

    Concern of Overdose

    If the pattern of substance abuse has been escalating, there is a chance that this could result in a potential overdose. Likewise, if this person has been in danger of overdosing or has overdosed before, it could likely happen again.

    In these situations, it is crucial that the individual receive treatment as soon as possible. Inpatient treatment is preferable because it will keep them physically safe from the dangerous physical health consequences of their addiction.


    Why Is Substance Abuse Treatment Important?


    Some individuals who are struggling with addiction and substance abuse may wonder why they should seek treatment. They might think their addiction is under control, or that it is not affecting other areas of their life. However, there are several reasons why treatment can be important.

    It Saves Lives

    Most drug overdoses are accidental, which is part of what makes them so concerning. Countless lives have been lost due to accidental overdoses. Addiction lies and convinces people that they are in control of their addiction when it is almost always the other way around.

    Additionally, it is becoming increasingly common for street drugs to be laced with another substance that the user is not aware of. This only increases the likelihood of a fatal or life-altering accident.

    This is a huge reason why getting treatment is so important. No matter how under control an individual might feel that their substance abuse is, the fact is that it can easily become fatal without warning.

    It Improves Quality of Life

    As already mentioned, addiction always lies, and one of those lies is that it is not affecting the person’s life “that much.” Many people who struggle with substance abuse simply do not realize how much of a hold their addiction has on them until they get help. However, about 80% of those who complete drug and alcohol rehab report an improved quality of life.

    When these individuals have the opportunity to receive treatment, it can open their eyes to how much their substance abuse is truly affecting their lives. They are forced to come to terms with the damage addiction has caused in their lives. This may give them a new appreciation of why it’s so important to stay sober.


    Is Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Right For You?


    Most people find that the benefits of residential substance abuse treatment make it the best option for getting clean or sober. Even with a full-time job, people who need to attend a residential treatment program in San Diego may be able to take PTO or get short-term disability benefits to spend 30+ days in a treatment program. For people who require more time away from work, they may be able to take advantage of long-term disability to ensure that they get the best chance for success.

    Another factor to consider is the level of support you have at home and with family and friends. If your environment is more likely to cause temptation, then going to a treatment program is a better option. Choosing the best rapid detox program can help you get on the path to overcoming addiction and getting your life back.


    Finding the Best Residential Treatment Program in San Diego


    There are several factors to consider when you’re looking at residential drug treatment programs in San Diego. Finding the best program means looking for the intersection of what you can pay for, what you need, and what you want in a program. While there are many options out there, getting inpatient recovery at Restore Detox Centers is one of the best choices you can make.


    Residential Treatment at Restore Detox Centers


    Restore Detox Centers is located in San Diego, CA, and they offer an inpatient recovery program for those struggling with substance abuse. This program lasts for two weeks after detox is completed.

    One of the primary purposes of this program is to address issues related to Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS). This treatment includes CBT and DBT therapy and can increase the likelihood of the patient remaining sober after detox.

    Restore also offers other activities that can be of benefit to patients. These include art therapy, pet therapy, yoga, case management help, fitness classes, mindfulness therapy, and more. Therapists at Restore work with patients to discover the treatment plan that is best for them.


    Ready to Consider Inpatient Treatment?


    Now that you know more about the benefits of residential substance abuse treatment and what to expect from it, are you ready to seek treatment for yourself or a loved one?
    If you are located in or near the San Diego area, we would love to assist you at Restore Detox Centers. We strive to provide the best care possible in a humane and empathetic way.

    If you are located elsewhere, we still recommend that you seek treatment elsewhere as soon as possible. For those who are in the San Diego area, please contact us today to learn more about our treatment programs.

About Restore

Are you or someone you care about struggling with drug or alcohol addiction in San Diego, California? Look no further than Restore Detox Centers, the leading 24-hour residential treatment facility. Our dedicated team is committed to providing effective rehabilitation services tailored to your individual needs.

We understand the challenges you face on your path to recovery, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of programs, including medically assisted detox and residential treatment. Our ultimate goal is to guide you towards a life free from addiction and help you achieve long-term success. 

Rest assured that our facility is accredited by The Joint Commission, guaranteeing the highest standards of quality and safety. You can rely on our compassionate team of professionals to support you every step of the way. 

If you're ready to take the first step towards healing, don't hesitate to contact Restore Detox Centers today. Let us be your trusted partner in your journey to recovery.